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Do not forget these 5 things in the interview

Nowadays the job market has become quite competitive. It takes a lot of effort to get a job. And when it comes to job interviews, it is important to take care of many things. If you want your interview to be successful, then it is necessary for you to do many types of preparations. For example, while giving an interview, you should know when, where and what to say. One wrong thing you said can take you far away from a new job. We are telling you 5 such things which you should not mention at the time of interview.
1. What is the policy regarding annual leave of the company and sick leave? 'Don't forget to ask this question at the time of interview. If you will ask this question at the time of interview, then after hiring you will be going on long leave.
2. Never discuss politics and religion while giving interviews. Instead, tell yourself about what kind of person you are and what you have to do in life later. But be careful not to overrepresent yourself. Never forget to discuss these two topics on your behalf in the interview.
3. 'Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?' If you are asked this question in the interview, do not say at all that you want to stay in this job. It will feel that you do not want to move forward. So give the answer in such a way that you will fulfill the responsibilities given to you and will fulfill the goals ahead of your life.
4. 'How was your boss in the previous company? 'No matter how bad your relations with the boss of the previous company may be, but don't forget to say anything wrong about that company or boss. If during the interview you are doing evil to the old company or the boss, then the interviewers will know how unprofessional you are. Not only this, they will also understand about your character.
5. 'What did you like best in the old job?' If you are asked what you liked in the old job, do not forget to give answers like lunchtime, holidays, co-worker. You can also say that you loved to do administrative and financial work because you want to become an accountant.
Article Category
- Interview
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