jobs in Bharat Electronics Limited
Candidates can apply for the above vacancies through Govt. Portal on or before 10th August 2020. (for further process see the given below example) Last date for receipt of the application is 10th August’ 2020. Selection will be based on final percentage of marks obtained by candidates in Diploma. Reservation for SC/ST & PWD/ OBC/EWS etc candidates will be as per the Government rules. The candidates should not have completed or undergoing apprenticeship training in any other organization. The shortlisted candidates will be informed for document verification and joining through email on their email ID and SMS on their mobile number. The no. of vacancies to be engaged is indicative and may undergo changes by selection committee without any further notification. Canteen facilities will be available. Interested Candidate is required to register on BOAT‟s web portal The application received after last date will not be considered. Please note that undergoing Apprenticeship Training at BEL does not guarantee any employment opportunity in the organization. During the period of apprenticeship, candidates will be governed by the „Apprentices Act, 1961 and the policies/rules of the organization. For any other general queries please email to [email protected] Correspondence/Communication in any other manner will not be entertained.
Educational Qualification:
Candidate should possess Engineering Diploma course in above mention engineering branch from recognized by AICTE or GOI on or after 30 October 2017.
Eligibility Criteria for Application
: 1. Only Indian Nationals are eligible.
2. Candidate passed their three/two year diploma course on or after 30 October 2017. 3. Age Limit: The maximum age limit of the candidate should be 23 years or less on 30 October 2020. As per the Government rules, the upper age limit is relax-able by 5 years for SC / ST and Physically Handicapped candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates.
4. The selection criterion is based on final percentage of marks obtained by candidates in Diploma.
5. The selection criterion is based on pass marks obtained in Diploma for BEL employee wards.
Field/Trades Proposed Nos...20-21 Training Month/ St
. Mechanical 29 1 year Rs 10,400/
. Computer Science 15
. Modern Office Management
& Secretarial Practice 10
. Electronics 32
. Electrical 08
. Civil 06
Total 100